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Public Interest Directorate

The Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) consists of six members of the association with terms not less than three years each. The CEMA have general concern for aspects of psychology that are related to ethnic minorities (American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian-American/Pacific Islander; African-American/Black; and Hispanic/Latina/o). The CEMA serves as the primary resource to the Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest (BAPPI) on ethnic minority issues and concerns.

Mission statement

The Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs shall:

  1. Promote scientific understanding of the roles of culture and ethnicity in psychology.

  2. Foster the development of culturally sensitive models for delivery of psychological services.

  3. Foster cultural diversity in the preparation of psychologists who teach, provide services and conduct research with ethnic minority populations.

  4. Promote development of more educational and training opportunities for ethnic minorities in psychology.

  5. Advocate the perspectives and values of ethnic minority psychologists to the Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest (BAPPI) for formulation of the policies of the association.

  6. Maintain mutually supportive and beneficial relationships with other groups of ethnic minority psychologists.

  7. Assist BAPPI in maintaining communications of ethnic minority affairs with the association’s membership as well as the community at large.

  8. Encourage collection and dissemination of information of importance to ethnic minority psychologists and students.

Staff liaison


  • Chair: Skyler Jackson, PhD (2022–24)
    Yale University

  • Vice Chair: Wing Yi Chan, PhD (2022–24)
    Child Trends

  • Rose Weakhee, PhD (2023–25)
    Indian Health Service

  • David Zelaya, PhD (2023–25)
    Brown University

  • Judith A. Arroyo, PhD (2024–26)

  • Amoneeta Beckstein, PhD (2024–26)
    Fort Lewis College 

Committee resources

Meeting minutes

Other resources

female therapist doing an intake assessment with her patient

Testing, assessment, and measurement

Standardized instruments, including scales and self-report inventories, are used to measure behavior or mental attributes, such as attitudes, emotional functioning, intelligence and cognitive abilities, aptitudes, values, interests, and personality characteristics.
Last updated: January 2024Date created: 2009